Daily Inspiration (Audio)
- Family harmony at Christmas (encore)Kendra Nordin Beato, from Milton, Massachusetts, USAHear more of Kendra's story on this episode of Sentinel Watch.
- Waking up to wrongdoingLiz Butterfield Wallingford, from Chesterfield, Missouri, USAYou can read Liz’s article in The Christian Science Monitor.
- Choose joyDonna Fletcher, from Alameda, California, USAWe'd love to hear your inspiration. Submit toThe Christian Science Daily Lift.
- Light in the darkDaniel Bort, from Richmond, California, USA
- The happiest week of my life? I was in jailDoug Sytsma, CS, from Hopkinton, Massachusetts, USAHear more of Doug's experience on this week's episode of Sentinel Watch.
- Family harmony at Christmas (encore)